Healthy Kefir Smoothies


Kefir is a fermented milk drink that originated in the Caucasus region. It is prepared by inoculating cow, goat, or sheep's milk with grains. Dairy-free alternatives are available, such as coconut milk and soy milk. It also has antioxidant properties, aids in lactose digestion, and suppresses increases in blood pressure. You can replace yogurt with the dairy or non dairy version in any smoothie recipe that calls for plain yogurt.

Peach Mango Smoothie

3/4 cup k'fir,

1 1/2 cup soy milk,

1 peach,

1 mango,

1 tsp honey,

add ginseng for an energy boost

Blend well and enjoy!

More smoothie recipes

Peach smoothie recipes

Mango fruit smoothies

Berry Nice Smoothie

1 banana frozen and chopped,

1/3 cup k'fir,

1/4 cup almond milk,

3/4 cup strawberries,

1/4 cup cranberry juice,

1/3 cup of wheat germ for energy

Blend and savor this wonderful smoothie!

Banana smoothie recipes

Strawberry smoothie recipes

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